Blog buttons

One new thing I’m testing out is the idea of a blog button- a graphical link that other bloggers or webmasters can easily cut/paste the code to share on their sites.

Want to add my blog button? Just copy/paste the code in your site.

A Writer's Journey

<div align=”center”><a href=”; title=”A Writer’s Journey”><img src=”; alt=”A Writer’s Journey” style=”border:none;” /></a></div>

Its not fancy, but I think it works fine. You can make your own blog button by designing something yourself in Adobe Photoshop, or  you can use Gimp (free download program that works like Photoshop) or even Sumopaint (free online graphic editor/creator). You should also have simple graphic programs such as Paint or something similar on your computer.


Once you’re happy with the design, upload to a site such as Photobucket, Flickr, your own web site, or other graphic sharing site, and then use GrabMyButton generator. This will generate the code for you so you can add it to your blog or web site.

Post in comments if you have a button and I might add it here to my site.

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